Monday, October 6, 2008

Claude Monet The Riverside Path at Argenteuil painting

Claude Monet The Riverside Path at Argenteuil paintingClaude Monet The River Bennecourt paintingClaude Monet The Petite Bras of the Seine at Argenteuil painting
between Julia and me, the last memories.
When her father died Julia remained some minutes with his body; the nurse came to the next room to announce the news and I had a glimpse of her through the open door, kneeling at the foot of the bed, and of Cara sitting by her. Presently the two women came out together, and Julia said to me: ‘Not now; I’m just taking Cara up to her room; later.’
While she was still upstairs Brideshead and Cordelia arrived from London; when at last we met alone it was by stealth, like young lovers.
Julia said: ‘Here in the shadow, in the corner of the stair - a minute to say good-bye.’
‘So long to say so little.’
‘You knew?’
‘Since this morning; since before this morning; all this

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