Friday, August 22, 2008

Mary Cassatt Children Playing On The Beach painting

Mary Cassatt Children Playing On The Beach paintingMary Cassatt Tea paintingEdward Hopper Gas painting
(it had as well been in sheep-language for all it conveyed to me), and whether the attempt to prepare this same GILES was successful, and what in that event its purpose was -- these things I was not to learn until later. But I gathered there was an uncertain connection between this mystery and my pretension to the office of Hero.
"I don't say more than this," Max said: "there's things about the early days of Heroes and Grand Tutors. And when you took it in your silly head you were one yourself, I remembered these things and some others, that a person could stretch them and say they fit. So I thought up a couple experiments to prove what was what, I'll tell you about later. But they've proved, George -- they'veproved -- what you know your own self now: that you're a good boy, and a human student, and that's all."
I supposed he was referring to the occasions when I had behaved stupidly or displayed a capacity, however slight, for actual flunkèdness, as in the matter of Redfearn's Tommy and of Becky's Pride Sue. It did not anger me to imagine, in the light of his confession, that Max may actually have encouraged such behavior, may even have arranged the circumstances of my temptation, perhaps in collusion with

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