Thursday, August 14, 2008

Douglas Hofmann silver satin painting

Douglas Hofmann silver satin paintingDouglas Hofmann midnight blue paintingJose Royo Tarde en el Campo painting
wearily. "It's Hagsgate," he answered her. "It must be Hagsgate, and yet there's no smell of sorcery, no air of black magic. But why the legends, then, why the fables and fairy tales? Very confusing, especially when you've had half a turnip for dinner." The unicorn said nothing. Beyond the town, darker than the dark, King Haggard's castle teetered like a lunatic on stilts, and beyond the castle the sea slid. The scent of the Red
Bull moved in the night, cold among the town and living, Schmendrick said, "The good people must all be indoors, counting their blessings. I'll hail them."
He stepped forward and threw back his cloak, but he had not yet opened his mouth when a hard voice said out of the air, "Save your breath, stranger, while you have it." Four men sprang from behind the hedge. Two of them set their swords at Schmendrick's throat, while another guarded Molly with a pair of pistols. The fourth approached the unicorn to seize her mane; but she reared up, shining fiercely, and he jumped away.
"Your name!" the man who had first spoken demanded of Schmendrick. He was middle-aged or more, as were they all, dressed in fine, dull clothing.
"Gick," said the magician, because of the swords.
"Gick," mused the man with the pistols. "An alien name."

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