Thursday, May 15, 2008

oil painting from picture

oil painting from picture
The daring of that!" cried Bunting.
"Yes, and when the ladder was opened out it could reach from the ground to the second storey of any old house. And, oh! how clever he was! Just open one section, and you see the other sections open automatically; so Peace could stand on the ground and force the thing quietly up to any window he wished to reach. Then he'd go away again, having done his job, with a mere bundle of old wood under his arm! My word, he was artful! I wonder if you've heard the tale of how Peace once lost a finger. Well, he guessed the constables were instructed to look out for a man missing a finger; so what did he do?"
"Put on a false finger," suggested Bunting.
"No, indeed! Peace made up his mind just to do without a hand altogether. Here's his false stump: you see, it's made of wood - wood and black felt? Well, that just held his hand nicely. Why, we considers that one of the most ingenious contrivances in the whole museum."
Meanwhile, Daisy had let go her hold of her father. With Chandler in delighted attendance, she bad moved away to the farther end of the great room, and now she was bending over yet

1 comment:

shaopeng.cai said...

oil painting from picture"